The title of my blog is 'My Irish Harp' and now I would like to introduce you to my instrument. And of course being an Irish harp, it has a story to tell!

This beautiful instrument was made to order for me by Brian Callan of Callan Harps in Craughwell, Co Galway, Ireland. I came across his harps quite by accident when my sister decided to help me in my quest for a suitable instrument. By some incredible coincidence, his workshop is located not far from the home of my harping ancestors, the  O’Lonergans!

I checked out the website and video clips and knew right away that this was the harp for me and I need look no further. Incidentally, you don't have to be living in Ireland to enjoy one of Brian's harps as he accepts orders from abroad.

This particular harp is made, like all his harps, from various types of native Irish timbers. The sound board is spruce, the sound box is made of spalted beech and the neck and pillar are fashioned from rippled sycamore.

The rib - that is the strip of wood which runs along the centre of the soundboard - is made of six thousand year old bog oak, carbon dated at the University of Ulster.

The front pillar is decorated with two simple bars of rippled sycamore. This design is reminiscent of the style of the early Irish harps and is further enhanced by the beautiful copper coloured disk bearing the design of the Celtic Tree of Life.

To hear this beautiful harp in action I invite you to the Listen page where I have recorded some Irish tunes for your enjoyment.


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